Sentiment. Cost. Benefit. Value.
All of these words are synonyms for worth. While it is admirable to give yourself a cushion of monetary security, is it really worth it to pursue exclusively? Once you reach the level of wealth that you desire, can you look around and appreciate these things. Is it impressing YOU or is it for showing other people "Lookie at what I got?" Is it worth seeing this reaction "Wow that is cool" or will you find yourself showing it to someone else and looking for their reaction. Is there anyone in your life that can enjoy it with you?
I had a discussion with my son about what something is worth and it kept coming back to money.
"How much is it worth to someone else? If you have something that you would pay $100 for, but it is only worth $10 on the market, then what you have is worthless."
That seems logical, but is it really? Humans have passion and sentiment. If my logic extends to sentiment, then the market is now false. If I had George Harrisons Guitar, it would be worth something to me as a guitar owner and Beatles fan. (PS I cannot stand the Beatles). Now let's say this Guitar is autographed. Why does the price go up? It isn't due to logic. What if I were selling it with Ringo's drumsticks, Paul's bell bottoms and John Lennon's sunglasses? Are these items worth an exponential price? That is where sentiment comes in to the realm of value, but are we still talking about worth at this point? Or Value or benefit?
Stop chasing the Jones'. Start smelling the flowers instead of selling them. And do your best to let your phone company know that they can stop now. We don't need a device that does everything, because when we lose it, we lose our worth in it and have lost the sentimentality of the pictures it held.