I cannot think of how we got to where we are at. I cannot comprehend the hatred that some people harbor and the judgement of others. I am not sure when the balance shifted from having more decent people to having scumbuckets, but i can say, with certainty, that the tipping point has passed.
Granted, there are many who are not as bad as a few, but the problem lies somewhere wherein: You compare yourself to people worse-off than you instead of people better off.
There was once an Idea that the Bible taught ( calm down Jesus freaks, i ain't done, and you book burners can shaddap too) good values and SUCH peaceful solutions. Even if He did not exist, it forced you to look at yourself in judgement, instead of everyone else around you. I hear incessantly, about repeat offenders, propensity of recidivism, and life sentences, and it bothers me that we have a system that cares more for prisoners and their rights than the promises made to our veterans. We pamper those that violated the laws of this country, and the ones that defended it are among the highest category of homeless in the nation. We cannot execute criminals because of some sort of ethics but do you realize that with a little bit of spin, I can make the argument that we are executing our veterans to save the freedoms of the criminals in the prison system. Veterans are not floated above the rest of us, because I have met some real pieces of shit that wear the uniform and float on the stories of others, and the justice system has put some people in the pen that are decent people, I am not denying either.
Here is the thing. I can remember when I was a kid, looking up to the Captains. They seemed to know the right thing to do. Captain Kangaroo, Captain America and even Cap'n Cronch (mispelled to avoid copyright infringement). One taught me to think of others while I am thinking of myself. Cooperation and sharing can get shit done. America taught me to punish those who did anyone else wrong. Cronch taught me to enjoy the little things (now I am diabetic). Let us not forget the immortal words from a lesser known Captain.
"Love," he says, "Love will keep us together. Look in your heart and let Love, keep us together."
We should try that. Meaning the whole world, loving each other more or equal to the amount we love ourselves. Someone should make that one of the rules. Just sayin'